Which tree are you?

Published on: March 23, 2021
Reading time: 5 minutes

che albero sei foto in evidenza

A few days ago, reflecting on what I had promised in the tutorial article: “how to start a woodcarving project”, I wondered how I could make a new article about types of wood without it being too boring or didactic to read.

In an attempt to give me an answer, my mind wandered to the point of wondering:

  • but which wood do I like?
  • Basswood!

Because the wood is light, soft and can be carved well. It allows you to make even the smallest details, it has no knots and is very satisfying. It has a nice uniform colour and a good smell. I think this is the answer that many woodcarvers would give, not just me. Because I think about the result. I don’t think about the tree itself, the leaves, the flowers, the trunk….

what tree are you - basswood, leaves and wood detail
Basswood, leaves and wood detail

The basswood tree is beautiful, when it blooms it is also very fragrant, but if someone asks me not which wood, but which tree I like, well, things change!

Fir tree, leaves, wood
Fir tree, leaves, wood

My favourite trees are the evergreen firs, which, like me, love the mountains. So beautiful and majestic, tall, straight, disciplined, fragrant. But their wood is not so suitable for carvers because of the resin, the knots and the easy chipping. So I wondered if there wasn’t a deeper meaning. Something that transcends the usefulness of the wood, or the beauty we attribute to the plant, perhaps we are simply destined for a particular tree.

And here’s where esotericism comes to my rescue, revealing the deepest secrets of one of the many theories linked to the horoscope. After our classic signs of the zodiac, the Chinese horoscope and a thousand others, here is one that seems to have been made especially for this subject. The Celtic horoscope of the trees.

A bit of history…

This particular zodiac was developed by the Celts, a group of people from southern Germany. Their history began to be known around 2000 BC, when they began to migrate southwards, primarily to France, Belgium, England and some parts of northern Italy and Spain. The Romans called them Gauls and lovers of the Asterix saga will certainly remember this. They will also remember the emblematic figure of the Druid Panoramix.

Panoramix the Druid from the saga of Asterix the Gaul
Panoramix the Druid from the saga of Asterix the Gaul

The Druid in a village was a key figure as he played a very important role as an advisor, educator and religious person. Being a population very attached to nature, they had developed an interesting astronomical map related to trees. Trees were of great importance and were believed to represent the whole cycle of life itself. The roots reaching deep into the ground, the trunk towering above the earth and the branches reaching for the sky.

They believed that life and the seasons could be represented as a wheel, within which they had identified 13 months (one was only a few days long and was used for the passage into the new year) and this occurred cyclically, every year. The only fixed point remained at the centre, the North Star, which constituted their idea of paradise. Dividing the path of the sun over this time frame, with the Druid knowledge of the cycles of the earth and the deep connection they had with nature, they then attributed 21 trees. They believed that trees were containers of infinite wisdom and that our human personalities could be associated with these different species of trees.

The result

In this way, thanks to their knowledge, fortunately passed down to us, I was able to discover that my lucky tree is ….

  • the linden tree!

But no, of course not, at this point it will definitely be…

  • the fir tree!!!!!!

But no! My guide tree is the poplar!!!

Poplar tree, leaves, wood
Poplar tree, leaves, wood

Far be it from me to contradict the druids, I don’t want to, but poplar?! I don’t like it as a tree, then when in summer it produces all that white fluff that looks like snow….🤨😔😤. I don’t like it as a wood, I find it has an unpleasant smell when carved, moreover it cracks easily even when seasoned and often has an has an unusable internal vein running through it… 🤬.

The characteristics they attribute to me are more or less the same… I guess I’ll have to change my mind and look at the poplar with different eyes now that I know it’s my tree of life! What about you? Aren’t you curious to find out which tree you are?

Search the various date ranges for your birthday and find out about your tree, the main characteristics of its wood, some interesting facts about its use and what it says about you!

After you have discovered your tree, why don’t you take a trip to the other dates to discover the characteristics of other trees, perhaps corresponding to the dates of your friends? 😉 Have fun!

Fagus sylvatica

Your guide tree is the BEECH, a tree that can become monumental, loves mountains and cool, damp seasons. Its rose-coloured wood is suitable for the production of furniture because it is hard and compact with a fine grain. In ancient times it was used to make ships and crockery. This tree gives you these characteristics: You love beauty and feeling beautiful, you love to please, you are materialistic and care what others think of you. You take great care of your physical fitness. Your life is always organised, so you are a good leader but you do not like to take risks unless they are absolutely necessary

Malus domestica

Your guide tree is the APPLE TREE, a very old tree that loves mountains and damp, cool seasons. Its wood is pinkish on the outside and reddish-brown on the inside and is suitable for the production of some work tools, vats for refining grappa and musical instruments. It is strong and resistant but very nervous and not very durable. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a very charismatic person, carefree, inspired by love and love to live your life day by day. You are attractive, sensitive, vain. The desire for adventure is strong in your life and you stand out because you love to love and be loved.

Abies Miller

Your guide tree is the FIR, a long-lived tree that loves the mountains. Its family consists of several types of fir trees with different characteristics. Its creamy white wood is widely used in homes as it retains heat, is naturally earthquake-proof and also provides good sound insulation. It is also used for musical instruments and furniture. Light and elastic, depending on the type, also easy to work. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are talented, sophisticated, dignified and stubborn. You love everything beautiful and have an innate good taste. You are a trustworthy person with many friends, always industrious and versatile. You like to live without half measures.

Ulmus minor

Your guide tree is the ELM, a tree that loves the countryside, good light but also to be protected from direct sun. Its wood is light-coloured on the outside with thick red-brown streaks on the inside. Resistant and elastic, fairly hard and moderately heavy. Often used as flooring and for furniture construction. In the past it was used to make bows and screwdrivers. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a cheerful and sunny person, with a good taste in clothes. You are a noble soul, devoted to command but not too much to be commanded. You are a good leader and a good decision-maker, perfect in everyday life, perhaps too devoted to perfection so much so that you can never forgive yourself for past mistakes.


Your guide tree is the evergreen, fairly long-lived CYPRESSUS. Its wood is very valuable, brown in colour, unlike many other trees it is darker on the outside and lighter on the inside. Resinous and very fragrant, quite hard and very gnarled, it is used for external window coverings and in the past it was used to make furniture because its scent was not well tolerated by moths. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are an extremely adaptable person and take life very easily, always seeing the positive aspects. You are an optimist and careerist, you like money and fame. You do not like loneliness, you like to surround yourself with beautiful people and you are easy to anger.


Your guide tree is the POPULUS, a tree that loves flat, moist areas. Its whitish-coloured wood is not very valuable, but thanks to its characteristics of flexibility and lightness it is widely used in papermaking. It is also used to make matches, spoons, pallets and plywood. Very easy to work with, very soft but also very low in strength. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a person with a strong sense of aesthetics and a lover of nature. Sometimes it is difficult for you to enjoy the pleasures of life, which is why you are a bit insecure and lonely, sometimes too selective in your friendships. People love you because you can be faithful and serious, you are passionate and have a strong artistic streak.


Your guide tree is the CEDAR, a majestic evergreen tree that loves both the sea and the mountains. Its yellowish to reddish wood is not very hard and easy to work. It was used for shipbuilding because it is easy to curve, although it is not very strong. When cut it gives off a strong cedar smell but soon loses its aroma. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a person who is adaptable to all situations. You are self-confident, you can make every decision with ease and lightness. You like luxury, you are very practical, optimistic and have many talents. You are always waiting for your great love, you are determined, you love to impress others. Your weak point is impatience.


Your guide tree is the PINE, a tree with a large family. Many species like mountains and cool temperatures and others are suitable for maritime areas. Its wood varies in characteristics and colour depending on which type it is, but in general it is whitish yellow with reddish brown tones, soft and light. It is much sought after for the production of furniture and sculptures as it is unaffected by moths and parasites and retains a delicate aromatic scent over time. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are very practical and active. Although you have difficulty letting go, when you open up, you are empathetic and open to love. Your passion is strong but usually not lasting, you give up too easily. 


Your guide tree is the WILLOW, a tree that loves wet soil and river banks. Its wood is pinkish white, soft, light and pliable, but it is not resistant and is much loved by woodworms. Widely used for carvings, chairs and armchairs and plinths as it is light and insulating. Its flexible branches (wicker) were used to make baskets. Tree also used its herbal properties the leaves and bark have anti-inflammatory powers. This tree gives you these characteristics: You are a dreamy and capricious person. You love travelling and everything that is in good taste. You are attractive and honest, but sometimes a little too melancholic.


 Your guide tree is the LINDEN, a long-lived, large tree that loves cool, shady places. Its wood is pinkish white, homogeneous and compact. Soft and elastic, it is the favourite of all woodcarvers. Widely used for sculpture, toys, musical instruments. Light and versatile and very cleavable. This tree gives you these characteristics: You are a peaceful person who hates fighting. You cannot stand stress and complain often, especially at work. You are not lazy and do not like idleness, you just like to indulge in pleasures. You are loyal and very jealous. You have many talents and many ideas but sometimes you do not have the will to carry them out.

Quercus petraea

Your guide tree is the OAK, a hill-loving tree that is very resistant to drought. Its wood is yellowish white and brown inside. Very valuable, hard and heavy, difficult to work. It used to be used to make very strong boards, today it is mainly used to make floors or furniture. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are physically strong, courageous and independent. Very much in tune with your tree, you like to keep your feet firmly on the ground, you don’t like change. But in spite of this, you are active and don’t like doing nothing.

Corylus avellana

Your guide tree is the HAZELNUT, a tree that loves hillsides, preferably calcareous ones, and well-drained soil. Its wood is light white, light, flexible and elastic. It is almost knotless and with these characteristics of flexibility it is the preferred wood for making bows. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are popular and charming and you are always the right person in the right place. You are tolerant and very understanding, although you are often capricious in love. Your strong honesty and motivated temperament often lead you to take an active part in social causes and demonstrations against injustice.

Sorbus domestica

Your guide tree is the ROWAN, a tree that can become several hundred years old, slow-growing, cold-resistant but sun-loving. Its wood is dark red, slightly lighter towards the outside. It is heavy, hard, compact and homogeneous. In the past it was used for sledges, knife handles and all objects and tools that needed to be resistant to wear and tear. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are sensitive and altruistic. Always active, you don’t like to stand still. You are always cheerful and generous without wanting anything in return. You have a very strong artistic vein, you are not ashamed of your feelings and emotions and you show them openly.


Your guide tree is the MAPLE, a tree that loves plains and hills, the sun but not direct wind. There are several different types of maples and therefore also with considerable differences in their timber. Generally its wood is pinkish white, medium hard, medium compact and excellent for hand carving. The briar is used for fine ornamentation, the wood for musical instrument components, sculptures, billiard cues or hardwearing flooring such as dance floors or boowling. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are shy, reserved and respectful of nature and others. You are a dreamer, full of imagination and always looking for new adventures. You are suitable for studying all subjects, helped by an excellent memory and a marked intelligence. Often nervous, you can’t help but make life difficult for yourself in love.

Juglans regia

Your guide tree is the WALNUT, a very old tree that loves well fertilised and moist soil. Its wood is very valuable, whitish on the outside and brown on the inside, light, soft and easy to work. It is mainly used for the production of valuable furniture and flooring. This tree gives you these characteristics: You are an ambitious person who has difficulty seeing limits. You are jealous, passionate and do not accept any compromises. You are sometimes selfish, aggressive and inflexible. You are spontaneous, open and open-minded.


 Your guide tree is the POPULUS, a tree that loves flat, moist areas. Its whitish-coloured wood is not very valuable, but thanks to its characteristics of flexibility and lightness it is widely used in papermaking. It is also used to make matches, spoons, pallets and plywood. Very easy to work with, very soft but also very low in strength. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a person with a strong sense of aesthetics and a lover of nature. Sometimes it is difficult for you to enjoy the pleasures of life, which is why you are a bit insecure and lonely, sometimes too selective in your friendships. People love you because you can be faithful and serious, you are passionate and have a strong artistic streak. 

Castanea sativa

Your guide tree is the CHESTNUT, a tree that loves high hills, mountains and moist soil. Its valuable wood is yellowish white on the inside and light brown on the outside. Hard, compact and stable, very waterproof. It is mainly used for the production of furniture and flooring as it is similar in appearance to oak, but less expensive and lighter. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a person of innate charm, even if you do nothing to attract attention people are impressed by your inner and outer beauty. You are lively and a fun-loving friend, you do not put up with oppression. Sometimes you are blinded by believing yourself to be superior to others, at other times you suffer from a lack of self-confidence and this leads you to become irritated and feel misunderstood.

Prunus avium

 Your guide tree is the CHERRY, a very old tree that can be found up to 1500 metres above sea level. Its wood is yellowish on the outside and reddish on the inside and is very valuable. Not too heavy and not too hard, it lends itself to being steam-bent. Despite its fragility it is much sought after for valuable furniture and some parts of musical instruments. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are reliable and very serious in life and in love. You are attractive, lively, impulsive, demanding, ambitious, intelligent and talented. Your weak point is not being able to accept criticism and being too touchy.

Carpinus betulus

 Your guide tree is the HORNBEAM, a tree of the birch family that loves hills and damp, flat ground. Its light yellowish wood is uniform Hard, compact, heavy and tough, it is not very easy to work, in fact it has few uses. It is mainly used to make charcoal and for small tools that need to be strong. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are engaged in the search for economic stability and you worry a lot about your physical appearance. Your life is characterised by reason, discipline and good taste. You are conscientious and are always looking for sensitive people to help you make the most important decisions.

Ficus carica

Your guide tree is the FIG, a long-lived tree that can grow to be a century old and loves warm, dry areas. Its yellowish-white wood is uniform. It is soft, not very consistent and practically unsuitable for any kind of work. Best to use buds, leaves, fruits and latex as herbal remedies. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a strong person with great practical talent. You are tenacious and stubborn, you don’t like arguments or those who contradict you. You love animals, family and you are very fond of laziness and idleness. You are the king of procrastinators! 

Betula pendula

Your guide tree is the BIRCH, a tree resistant to drought and sudden frost. Its wood is uniformly yellowish-white, sometimes tending to pink. Soft, elastic and very easy to work, it is highly valued because it is the hardest of all softwoods. It is used to make furniture, sports equipment, but above all spoons and crockery for everyday use. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a person with an elegant nature, you hate vulgarity in all its forms. You are passionate, ambitious, friendly, modest. You don’t like excess, you love nature and its contact with it and draw constant inspiration from it.

Malus domestica

Your guide tree is the APPLE TREE, a very old tree that loves mountains and damp, cool seasons. Its wood is pinkish on the outside and reddish-brown on the inside and is suitable for the production of some work tools, vats for refining grappa and musical instruments. It is strong and resistant but very nervous and not very durable. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a very charismatic person, carefree, inspired by love and love to live your life day by day. You are attractive, sensitive, vain. The desire for adventure is strong in your life and you stand out because you love to love and be loved.

Abies Miller

Your guide tree is the FIR, a long-lived tree that loves the mountains. Its family consists of several types of fir trees with different characteristics. Its creamy white wood is widely used in homes as it retains heat, is naturally earthquake-proof and also provides good sound insulation. It is also used for musical instruments and furniture. Light and elastic, depending on the type, also easy to work. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are talented, sophisticated, dignified and stubborn. You love everything beautiful and have an innate good taste. You are a trustworthy person with many friends, always industrious and versatile. You like to live without half measures.

Ulmus minor

Your guide tree is the ELM, a tree that loves the countryside, good light but also to be protected from direct sun. Its wood is light-coloured on the outside with thick red-brown streaks on the inside. Resistant and elastic, fairly hard and moderately heavy. Often used as flooring and for furniture construction. In the past it was used to make bows and screwdrivers. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a cheerful and sunny person, with a good taste in clothes. You are a noble soul, devoted to command but not too much to be commanded. You are a good leader and a good decision-maker, perfect in everyday life, perhaps too devoted to perfection so much so that you can never forgive yourself for past mistakes.


Your guide tree is the evergreen, fairly long-lived CYPRESSUS. Its wood is very valuable, brown in colour, unlike many other trees it is darker on the outside and lighter on the inside. Resinous and very fragrant, quite hard and very gnarled, it is used for external window coverings and in the past it was used to make furniture because its scent was not well tolerated by moths. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are an extremely adaptable person and take life very easily, always seeing the positive aspects. You are an optimist and careerist, you like money and fame. You do not like loneliness, you like to surround yourself with beautiful people and you are easy to anger.


Your guide tree is the POPULUS, a tree that loves flat, moist areas. Its whitish-coloured wood is not very valuable, but thanks to its characteristics of flexibility and lightness it is widely used in papermaking. It is also used to make matches, spoons, pallets and plywood. Very easy to work with, very soft but also very low in strength. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a person with a strong sense of aesthetics and a lover of nature. Sometimes it is difficult for you to enjoy the pleasures of life, which is why you are a bit insecure and lonely, sometimes too selective in your friendships. People love you because you can be faithful and serious, you are passionate and have a strong artistic streak. 


Your guide tree is the CEDAR, a majestic evergreen tree that loves both the sea and the mountains. Its yellowish to reddish wood is not very hard and easy to work. It was used for shipbuilding because it is easy to curve, although it is not very strong. When cut it gives off a strong cedar smell but soon loses its aroma. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a person who is adaptable to all situations. You are self-confident, you can make every decision with ease and lightness. You like luxury, you are very practical, optimistic and have many talents. You are always waiting for your great love, you are determined, you love to impress others. Your weak point is impatience.


Your guide tree is the PINE, a tree with a large family. Many species like mountains and cool temperatures and others are suitable for maritime areas. Its wood varies in characteristics and colour depending on which type it is, but in general it is whitish yellow with reddish brown tones, soft and light. It is much sought after for the production of furniture and sculptures as it is unaffected by moths and parasites and retains a delicate aromatic scent over time. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are very practical and active. Although you have difficulty letting go, when you open up, you are empathetic and open to love. Your passion is strong but usually not lasting, you give up too easily. 


Your guide tree is the WILLOW, a tree that loves wet soil and river banks. Its wood is pinkish white, soft, light and pliable, but it is not resistant and is much loved by woodworms. Widely used for carvings, chairs and armchairs and plinths as it is light and insulating. Its flexible branches (wicker) were used to make baskets. Tree also used its herbal properties the leaves and bark have anti-inflammatory powers. This tree gives you these characteristics: You are a dreamy and capricious person. You love travelling and everything that is in good taste. You are attractive and honest, but sometimes a little too melancholic.


  Your guide tree is the LINDEN, a long-lived, large tree that loves cool, shady places. Its wood is pinkish white, homogeneous and compact. Soft and elastic, it is the favourite of all woodcarvers. Widely used for sculpture, toys, musical instruments. Light and versatile and very cleavable. This tree gives you these characteristics: You are a peaceful person who hates fighting. You cannot stand stress and complain often, especially at work. You are not lazy and do not like idleness, you just like to indulge in pleasures. You are loyal and very jealous. You have many talents and many ideas but sometimes you do not have the will to carry them out.

Olea europaea

 Your guide tree is the OLIVE, an evergreen, long-lived tree that loves the sea. Its wood is yellowish with brown streaks that make it very special and sought-after. Very hard and compact, difficult to work. It is used to make pipes and kitchen utensils as it does not retain odours. Very beautiful to look at, it is also used for flooring or special furniture. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a calm and always tolerant person. Like your tree, you love the sun and sunny people. Your strong sense of justice leads you to hate aggression and all forms of violence.

Corylus avellana

Your guide tree is the HAZELNUT, a tree that loves hillsides, preferably calcareous ones, and well-drained soil. Its wood is light white, light, flexible and elastic. It is almost knotless and with these characteristics of flexibility it is the preferred wood for making bows. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are popular and charming and you are always the right person in the right place. You are tolerant and very understanding, although you are often capricious in love. Your strong honesty and motivated temperament often lead you to take an active part in social causes and demonstrations against injustice.

Sorbus domestica

Your guide tree is the ROWAN, a tree that can become several hundred years old, slow-growing, cold-resistant but sun-loving. Its wood is dark red, slightly lighter towards the outside. It is heavy, hard, compact and homogeneous. In the past it was used for sledges, knife handles and all objects and tools that needed to be resistant to wear and tear. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are sensitive and altruistic. Always active, you don’t like to stand still. You are always cheerful and generous without wanting anything in return. You have a very strong artistic vein, you are not ashamed of your feelings and emotions and you show them openly.


Your guide tree is the MAPLE, a tree that loves plains and hills, the sun but not direct wind. There are several different types of maples and therefore also with considerable differences in their timber. Generally its wood is pinkish white, medium hard, medium compact and excellent for hand carving. The briar is used for fine ornamentation, the wood for musical instrument components, sculptures, billiard cues or hardwearing flooring such as dance floors or boowling. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are shy, reserved and respectful of nature and others. You are a dreamer, full of imagination and always looking for new adventures. You are suitable for studying all subjects, helped by an excellent memory and a marked intelligence. Often nervous, you can’t help but make life difficult for yourself in love.

Juglans regia

Your guide tree is the WALNUT, a very old tree that loves well fertilised and moist soil. Its wood is very valuable, whitish on the outside and brown on the inside, light, soft and easy to work. It is mainly used for the production of valuable furniture and flooring. This tree gives you these characteristics: You are an ambitious person who has difficulty seeing limits. You are jealous, passionate and do not accept any compromises. You are sometimes selfish, aggressive and inflexible. You are spontaneous, open and open-minded.

Castanea sativa

Your guide tree is the CHESTNUT, a tree that loves high hills, mountains and moist soil. Its valuable wood is yellowish white on the inside and light brown on the outside. Hard, compact and stable, very waterproof. It is mainly used for the production of furniture and flooring as it is similar in appearance to oak, but less expensive and lighter. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a person of innate charm, even if you do nothing to attract attention people are impressed by your inner and outer beauty. You are lively and a fun-loving friend, you do not put up with oppression. Sometimes you are blinded by believing yourself to be superior to others, at other times you suffer from a lack of self-confidence and this leads you to become irritated and feel misunderstood.

Prunus avium

Your guide tree is the CHERRY, a very old tree that can be found up to 1500 metres above sea level. Its wood is yellowish on the outside and reddish on the inside and is very valuable. Not too heavy and not too hard, it lends itself to being steam-bent. Despite its fragility it is much sought after for valuable furniture and some parts of musical instruments. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are reliable and very serious in life and in love. You are attractive, lively, impulsive, demanding, ambitious, intelligent and talented. Your weak point is not being able to accept criticism and being too touchy.

Carpinus betulus

Your guide tree is the HORNBEAM, a tree of the birch family that loves hills and damp, flat ground. Its light yellowish wood is uniform Hard, compact, heavy and tough, it is not very easy to work, in fact it has few uses. It is mainly used to make charcoal and for small tools that need to be strong. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are engaged in the search for economic stability and you worry a lot about your physical appearance. Your life is characterised by reason, discipline and good taste. You are conscientious and are always looking for sensitive people to help you make the most important decisions. 

Ficus carica

 Your guide tree is the FIG, a long-lived tree that can grow to be a century old and loves warm, dry areas. Its yellowish-white wood is uniform. It is soft, not very consistent and practically unsuitable for any kind of work. Best to use buds, leaves, fruits and latex as herbal remedies. This tree gives you these characteristics: you are a strong person with great practical talent. You are tenacious and stubborn, you don’t like arguments or those who contradict you. You love animals, family and you are very fond of laziness and idleness. You are the king of procrastinators! 

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